Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Night View

This was our arrival to the renovated farmhouse we rented for the weekend in Burgundy.  All full of fog and mystery. 
Fire burned the whole weekend. 
And, as expected, B + his friends had the usual food marathon.  I am happy to say  there was more green and red this time (i.e. veg and fruits) and about the usual amount of yellow and blue (moldy cheese). and by that I mean - everyone probably ate their weight in stinky cheese.
Friday was a holiday and we luckily found an open grocery store, though there was a minor crisis when there was not a crumb of bread to be found. 
But quick thinking Frenchmen meant that we ordered some be brought by our friends en route from Geneva.    Whatever would we have done without bread.  Perish the thought!

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