Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Weekends away

We are here

What you can be guaranteed on a weekend away

1st stop: Bread
2nd stop:
where your butcher will sell you a good chicken with claws still on it.  And seeing as how it was probably de-feathered recently - he's going to do a bit of this to it (just to make sure he gets all the feathers/bacteria)
And then you have the push and pull of grocery shopping - if you are in an area that has one.  The tug-o-war comes when you want fiber to be able to go to the bathroom at least once and the menfolk want just meat, cheese and wine.
 If you are lucky you get to come home to this:
your rented gites.  
That has been in ruin, but some smart person thought they would invest in and update. 
Hooray for old ruins with new comforts like proper showers in every room.
And then after getting dressed to go back to the baker to get your morning bread you pass the old stone walls

 the village church
and the town hall with the memorial in front with the names of those from the village who died in the war
and you go back to your old ruin to have breakfast

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