Tuesday, June 18, 2013

More perfect Paris

A Haute Couture exhibit sign and skateboarder on the backside of the Hôtel de Ville.

During Roland Garros (French Open) the city puts up a big screen in front for people to watch and some courts for people to play. Notre Dame de Paris is directly behind and you can see the corner of the Hôtel de Ville de Paris on the left.

Long hot sun going down.  Little boy taking advantage of the empty street.

Square full of restaurants with highly sought-after patio seating, en terasse (tear-asse)

I love ice cream.  And I will show you the best places if you let me.

Montmartre and the steps of Sacre Coeur. 


The commentary at lunch today:

"Paris just gives you the finger, regularly.  And you can't plan anything, because Paris just gives you the finger on that, too.
And then at some point you when you've finally given up trying to do or organize anything at all in your life without trying 6 times, some bizarre occurance of random events happens and you have a moment. Like right now - the weather is sunny, the restaurant wasn't full, the food is actually really good and you are off work this week and came over to my house and we decided to go to lunch."

"I have also likened Paris to an abusive boyfriend.  You talk to people who have lived here and they talk like battered wives.  They feel that by leaving they have lost, given up.  They got beat down." 
"How can there only be 5 sunny days in the span of 6 months?"
"How can the assistant not do her work and be so bitchy and still have a job?"
"Why don't the banks want my money?  And why do I have to have a meet and greet to PAY them to hold my money AND make interest?"
"And yet on one day, you happen to be out and around in the city and the sun comes out; its blue skies, people are nice. And you happened to have shaved your legs. And you dared to put on a sundress.  And for some reason everyone meets together for a drink in the evening and you look around and it is the most beautifully stunning city in the world. So perfect, you feel like you are in a dream. 

And you can't even remember those gray, angry, miserable days existed. They didn't happen.
And that is why you stay.

Monday, June 10, 2013


The English word for vacation is holiday.
And the month of May is like pre-summer holiday.  3 of the 4 weeks have jours ferié.  That means May 1, 6, 8, 9, 19 & 20 are all off.  And the French generally fait le pont (fay leu pohn make the bridge). 
So the 8 & 9, add the pont and you have a 5 day weekend. 
Nothing happens in Paris in May.  Much like July & August.  But unlike July & August, May usually has good weather.  Sadly - May has forced le sigh out of my mouth more than once.  See this

I like my own chemicals

I  received a gift from a friend of a friend that I guided one day while she was in Paris.
It was a 5-pak of Kraft Macaroni & Cheese.

Its so sad
much like the huge bag of Reese's Pieces and packets of ranch dressing I horde, I prefer the chemical tastes of my own country. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Through a window: Roma

A blustery but warm day looking out from the Coliseum.